User Login

Gone are the days of confused users when presented with the WP login screen. Now your users can be assured that they are logging in on your site.

User Registration

Did we mention that users can register on the frontend of your site as well? Theme My Registration, anyone?

User Passwords

Who wants an auto-generated password? Not your users! Let them set their own – all within the comfort of your own theme.

Custom Links

Login? Signin? Blastoff? It’s your choice. Change TML action slugs as you wish.

Email Login

Don’t want to force your users to remember usernames? Great. Set your login and registration type to “Email only”.


Log in your users immediately after registration. Why should they need to enter their credentials again? Abracadabra!


TML was designed to work with any theme. It’s kind of like our mascot Cham, it blends in with anything.


Expecting to have to modify your theme or perform some complex setup instructions? Think again! TML is simply plug-and-play.


TML was designed with developers in mind. Actions and filters for everyone!